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Taxation of dividend income
Taxation of dividend incomeIntroductionA dividend is a distribution of profit by a company to its shareholders.A dividend is not only a payment in cash. It can be the issue of new shares in exchange for forfeiting the right to a cash payment (a stock dividend). For more detail, see the Cash
Company cars
Company carsIntroductionCompany cars are one of the most common taxable benefits. The rules for calculating the benefit are complex, and the reporting requirements are more onerous than most benefits. Company cars are covered by very specific legislation. Detailed guidance on each of the following
Gilts‘Gilts’ are securities that are also known by a number of different names (eg gilt-edged securities, Government securities or treasury stock).The Government sells gilts to fund the deficit between public spending and tax receipts. Normally, the Government pays interest to the holder of the gilt