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Ministers of religion
Ministers of religionMost ministers of religion or members of the clergy are either office-holders or employees and so their earnings are taxable under ITEPA 2003 as employment income and are subject to Class 1 National Insurance.For the purposes of the tax system, a minister does not have to belong
FRS 102 ― tax presentation and disclosures
FRS 102 ― tax presentation and disclosuresPresentation of tax under FRS 102An entity must present changes in a current tax liability (or asset) and changes in a deferred tax liability (or asset) as a tax expense (or income) unless the item creating the current or deferred tax amount is recognised in
Maintenance payments
Maintenance paymentsMaintenance payments are payments made by a taxpayer to their former or separated spouse / civil partner for the maintenance of that person or their children. To obtain any tax relief for maintenance payments, one of the couple must have been born before 5 April 1935 and the