
Featured Tax Commentary

V17.136 Inward processing

Inward processing (IP) enables goods which are not intended for free circulation in the UK to be imported duty-free...

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V2.110 Partnerships and deemed partnerships

A partnership is 'the relation which subsists between persons carrying on a business in common with a view of...

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V16.875 VAT: partial exemption—standard method over-ride

This VAT Information Sheet explains how the standard method over-ride, announced in the Budget on 17 April 2002, affects ...

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V3.520 Credit and debit notes

This paragraph examines the information that is to be provided on credit and debit notes and some of the principles...

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D1.1204A Related 51% group company

The provisions in this article relating to corporation tax rates apply to ring fence profits only. This definition is also used...

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C3.505 Holdover relief for gifts of business assets—agricultural property

A disposal of agricultural property by way of gift or sale at undervalue is eligible for holdover relief for business...

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E4.1305 Place of performance of duties and incidental duties

The place where employment duties are performed is one of the factors used to decide which provision of ITEPA...

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E3.168 Acquisition by a new company—an approved share exchange

An exchange of shares, whether or not it constitutes a disposal for the purposes of tax on capital gains is considered...

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Republic of Ireland - VAT submission guide

Irish VAT returns can be completed online or they can be completed offline and then uploaded online for submission....

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Zambia - VAT submission guide

The VAT submission process in Zambia is fully electronic. VAT returns with more than ten transactions are filed online via the Zambia Revenue...

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Pre-registration input tax (Australia)

As stated at 1.32, incorporated enterprises are entitled to claim input tax credits on pre-establishment costs incurred up to six months...

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1.4.2 Employee leaving indemnity (TFR) | Italy

Known as the Trattamento di Fine Rapporto (TFR) in Italian law, it is the economic benefit that accrues to the employee upon termination of...

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3.1 Salary advances | France

French law allows employees to request an advance of pay once they have reached the middle of the month, which the employer is required by law to grant...

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2.2 Social security contributions | Spain

Generally, all employers, their employees, self-employed workers, members of manufacturing cooperatives, domestic personnel, military personnel ...

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CA3.1 How to obtain a Canadian residence certificate | Canada

A certificate of residency issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) confirms the taxpayer is resident in Canada and is liable to tax in Canada on their worldwide income....

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CA3.3 Local currency and currency restrictions | Canada

Foreign exchange gains or losses from capital transactions of foreign currencies (that is, money) are considered to be capital gains or losses. When the...

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UK1.8.1 Double tax relief in the UK for individuals—relief under double tax treaty | United Kingdom

If an individual has income or gains from a source in one country and is resident in another, that same income or gain may suffer tax twice.

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2.2.5 Provident fund | Pakistan

If the company opts for a provident scheme, the employer contributes 10% of the salary and the same amount is contributed by the employee to the fund. The employer deducts a proportion from the employee's salary for that year and credits...

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2.1.4 Calculating PAYE | Kenya

Calculate the employee's total gross cash pay, plus the value of any BIKs...

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2.2.3 PERKESO (SOCSO) employment insurance system | Malaysia

In addition to the PERKSO social security contributions required to provide coverage for employment injury and invalidity schemes (2.2.2), contributions are also required for an employment insurance system. Coverage...

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