
Support for beneficiaries in receipt of benefits or social care

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

Support for beneficiaries in receipt of benefits or social care

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

This guidance note outlines why trustees should be aware of the financial circumstances of beneficiaries and whether they are in receipt of means tested benefits. It also outlines the means tested and non-means tested benefits and social care and where to find out more information about the relevant income and capital limits.

This note relates to England only and the position in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland may be different. In respect of Scotland and Northern Ireland see Simon’s Taxes I5.8 for information in respect of those jurisdictions generally and the Scottish Government benefits website and the Scottish Government social care website for details of benefits and social care in Scotland.


Sometimes beneficiaries may be in receipt of state benefits. The reason that the trust was created may have been to support one or more vulnerable beneficiaries who are in receipt of such benefits or their receipt of them may be an incidental matter.

When considering how to apply funds from the trust either by way

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