
Losses on shares set against income

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

Losses on shares set against income

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

Usually, allowable capital losses can only be set against chargeable gains. If the losses are not fully utilised against gains in the year in which they arise, the excess is carried forward to use against future gains. See the Use of capital losses guidance note for further details.

This rule can be broken if the loss arises on certain shares. If the shares meet the conditions, the taxpayer can choose whether to set the losses against:

  1. •

    their chargeable gains, or

  2. •

    their income for:

    1. â—¦

      that year

    2. â—¦

      the previous year, or

    3. â—¦

      both years

This may also be referred to in practice as ‘share loss relief’.

Given the lower rates of capital gains tax compared with the rates of income tax, it is more tax effective to set the losses against income if possible. Any loss that cannot be or is not utilised against income is a capital loss that can be relieved under the normal rules. See the Use of capital losses guidance note.


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