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Popular Articles

Bad debts

Bad debtsBad debts usually arise where goods or services have been provided to a customer, for which payment has not been received within a reasonable or specified time period, or for which the customer is unable to pay. It is necessary to determine the quantum of relief that can be claimed for bad

14 Jul 2020 15:34 | Produced by Tolley Read more Read more

Losses on shares set against income

Losses on shares set against incomeUsually, allowable capital losses can only be set against chargeable gains. If the losses are not fully utilised against gains in the year in which they arise, the excess is carried forward to use against future gains. See the Use of capital losses guidance note

14 Jul 2020 12:12 | Produced by Tolley Read more Read more

Classes of NIC and who pays them

Classes of NIC and who pays themClass 1 NICClass 1 NIC is payable on earnings paid to an employed worker which derive from, or are treated as deriving from, an employed earner’s employment in the UK. There are two kinds of Class 1 NIC, primary contributions for which the employee is liable and

14 Jul 2020 11:13 | Produced by Tolley in association with Jim Yuill at The Yuill Consultancy Read more Read more