
Planning distributions

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

Planning distributions

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax


The personal representatives will have identified the beneficiaries of the estate at an early stage. See the Introduction to deceased estates guidance note. At what point should they advise them of their entitlement under the Will or intestacy? The close family of the deceased will usually be aware of their entitlement, but there is no obligation to inform more ‘distant’ beneficiaries before the grant is issued because the Will is not proved to be valid until then. Under intestacy, the appointment of the administrators is not confirmed until the grant. So the PRs will have time to establish who the beneficiaries are and the extent of the estate before making contact.

When the PRs are ready to inform the beneficiaries of their entitlement, it is recommended that they should:

  1. for legatees, advise them of the item or amount of the legacy

  2. for residuary beneficiaries, advise them of their share of residue with an estimate of the monetary value, and provide them with a copy of the Will, or (under intestacy) an explanation

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