Letter to client—what happens at a mediation and preparing for it

Published by a ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû Dispute Resolution expert

Letter to client—what happens at a mediation and preparing for it

Published by a ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû Dispute Resolution expert



[Insert name and address of Client]

[Insert date]

Dear [Insert name of client]

[insert case heading]

As you know, we have agreed with [insert name of the other side] to seek to mediate [the above dispute OR your Claim]. This letter sets out a summary of what you can expect to happen at the Mediation which will take place on [insert date] at [insert location]. It also covers what steps we have to take now to prepare for the mediation.

Practical arrangements

The following arrangements have been agreed so far: [complete as appropriate]

The mediator: [insert name of mediator]

[[The pupil mediator: [insert name of pupil mediator]] ]

The venue: [insert venue location with full address and any specific arrangements for access and/or parking, as appropriate];

Length of the mediation: [insert anticipated duration of the mediation, suitably caveated as appropriate];

Terms of the mediation agreement: [you may wish to include here reference to the (unsigned) mediation agreement and enclose a copy with the letter];

Date for parties to exchange their case

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Key definition:
Client definition
What does Client mean?

The person(s) on whose behalf the firm is providing a service.

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