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Restructuring & Insolvency analysis: The Court of Appeal reversed the decision of the lower courts and set aside a bankruptcy order made on the...
The Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) has announced that its annual open meeting will take place via Microsoft Teams on 9 May 2025. The meeting...
HM Courts & Tribunals Service (HMCTS) has published guidance for legal professionals on issuing and managing specified online money claims through the...
Law360, London: The UK antitrust court gave an academic the go-ahead 6 March 2025 to bring a £1bn class action against Google on behalf of software...
Restructuring & Insolvency analysis: The case arose from a claim with a significant error: it was brought against the wrong party. Furthermore, that...
Different types of cancellation rights—law firmsIf you enter into a retainer with a consumer client away from your office or without meeting them, it...
Guarantees and indemnities—general contractThis Practice Note summarises the key elements of guarantees and indemnities, the circumstances in which...
Petition procedure in the Court of Session in ScotlandCertain types of proceedings in the Court of Session must be initiated by presenting a petition....
Challenging court jurisdiction—application under CPR 11 (evidence)When a claimant commences proceedings in the courts of England and Wales, a...
UK Rome I—consumer contracts (Art 6) [Archived]ARCHIVED: This Practice Note has been archived and is not maintained.This Practice Note is for use when...
DBA risk assessment—general litigation and advocacyA: General informationMatter referenceClient nameDate of cause of actionType of claim[Insert, eg...
Letter explaining CFA—conditional fees from 1 April 2013—success fee and insurance premium not recoverable between the partiesStandard CFA (success...
Letter explaining DBA—general litigation or advocacyStandard DBA (general litigation or advocacy)We have discussed various options for funding your...
CFA risk assessment—general litigation and advocacyA: General informationMatter reference[Insert]Client nameDate of cause of actionType of claim, eg...
Witness statement—genericFiled on behalf of the [insert party eg [Claimant OR Appellant] or [Defendant OR Respondents]]Number of witness statement:...
Rescission of a contractWhat is rescission of a contract?The remedy of rescission is available to a party whose consent, in entering into a contract,...
The doctrine of res judicataWhat is a res judicata?A res judicata is a decision given by a judge or tribunal with jurisdiction over the cause of...
Negligence—key elements to establish a negligence claimThis Practice Note outlines the key elements for establishing a claim in negligence. For...
Tort—the different types of tortThis Practice Note identifies the main torts (bar negligence and nuisance, which are covered elsewhere in our related...
Novation—why and how to novate a contractThere may be times when, rather than assigning the benefit of an agreement to a third party, the original...
Reserved judgmentsWhat is a reserved judgment?A court can reserve judgment by giving its decision at a later date in writing, after the trial or...
Negligence—when does a duty of care arise?This Practice Note considers the first question to ask when faced with a prospective claim in...
Discharge by frustrationCoronavirus (COVID-19): In addition to the below content on force majeure generally, see also:•Coronavirus (COVID-19)...
Void contractsWhen is a contract a void contract?A void contract is one that is wholly lacking in legal effect. A contract will be void where:•the...
Forming enforceable contracts—considerationThis Practice Note examines the doctrine of consideration and the key role it plays in English law in...
Derivative claim—what it is and when to use itA guide to specific terminology used in this Practice Note is provided—see below.What is a derivative...
Stay of proceedings—when can you apply to stay a claim?This Practice Note considers the question of when court proceedings can be stayed. It...
Negligence—when is the duty of care breached?Having established that a duty of care exists (see Practice Note: Negligence—when does a duty of care...
The tort of deceitDeceit—what is it?A deceit occurs when a misrepresentation is made with the express intention of defrauding a party, subsequently...
Promissory estoppelFor guidance on the basic features of the doctrine of estoppel and the different classifications it has been subject to, see...
Drafting the particulars of claimThis Practice Note provides guidance on the interpretation and application of the relevant provisions of the CPR....
Proprietary estoppelThis Practice Note considers proprietary estoppel from a generic standpoint.For industry specific guidance on proprietary estoppel...
Breach of statutory dutyThis Practice Note considers claims for damages for breach of statutory duty. For guidance on claims for damages for a...
independent organisations who can help arrange a mediation or other ADR process including: • advising on the most appropriate form of ADR • identifying a suitably trained mediator • draft the mediation agreement to be signed by the parties and the mediator • deal with the administrative issues of holding a mediation such as agreeing a date, arranging an independent venue and refreshments and facilities Examples include the Centre for Dispute Resolution (CEDR), the ADR group and In Place of Strife
Same as a BRO, save that instead of a court order it comes into effect by way of an undertaking given by the Bankrupt and accepted by the Secretary of State.
The convention on the service abroad of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters (1965) sets out provisions for the service of documents between contracting states.