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Outright gifts
Outright giftsAn outright gift is the most straightforward type of gift. It simply involves the outright transfer of property from one person to another with no conditions attached.This type of gift is most suitable for clients who want to pass over modest amounts, or give to responsible and capable
Foreign exchange issues
Foreign exchange issuesOverview of foreign exchange provisionsForeign exchange (FX) movements are generally taxed following the rules applicable to the underlying income, expenditure, asset or liability on which they arise, broadly as follows:Capital assetsOn a realisation basis (ie on disposal)
Married couple’s allowance
Married couple’s allowanceThe married couple’s allowance (MCA) is only available if one of the two spouses or civil partners was born before 6 April 1935. This means that one member of the couple must be at least 89 years old on 5 April 2024 to qualify for an allowance in the 2023/24 tax year.There