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VAT on property disposals
VAT on property disposalsThis guidance note provides an overview of the VAT treatment of selling property that is located in the UK. The UK includes Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the territorial sea of the UK. The sale of any land or building located outside the UK is outside the scope of UK
Class 1 v Class 1A
Class 1 v Class 1AClass 1 and Class 1AClass 1 and Class 1A are the categories of NIC that can be charged on expenses reimbursed and benefits provided to employees. These classes are mutually exclusive. A benefit cannot be subject to both Class 1 and Class 1A NIC. Three requirements must be met
Bare trusts ― income tax and CGT
Bare trusts ― income tax and CGTThis guidance note explains how trustees of bare trusts are treated for income tax and capital gains purposes. Although a bare trust is, in equity, a type of trust, for both income tax and capital gains tax purposes its existence is transparent. This means that no tax