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Research and development expenditure credit (RDEC)
Research and development expenditure credit (RDEC)This guidance note provides information on how research and development expenditure credits (RDEC) are calculated and utilised. The Qualifying expenditure for R&D tax relief guidance note provides information on what expenditure qualifies for
Bare trusts ― income tax and CGT
Bare trusts ― income tax and CGTThis guidance note explains how trustees of bare trusts are treated for income tax and capital gains purposes. Although a bare trust is, in equity, a type of trust, for both income tax and capital gains tax purposes its existence is transparent. This means that no tax
Withholding tax
Withholding taxIntroductionUK tax must be withheld on UK payments including:•interest•royalties•rental incomeUK withholding tax may be reduced under the provisions of a double tax treaty (DTT). Prior to 1 June 2021, payments of interest and royalties made to EU resident associated companies were