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Definition of a close company
Definition of a close companyThe detailed definition of a close company is set out below, but in summary the rules are targeted at those companies where the owners can manipulate the activities of the company to influence their own tax position. Therefore, broadly speaking, in most cases an
Double tax relief
Double tax reliefWhen income arises in a foreign country to a UK resident company and that income is taxable in that foreign country, the UK may give the company relief for the foreign tax by crediting the foreign tax against the UK tax charged on that income. This might include withholding tax on
Payroll record keeping
Payroll record keepingUnder SI 2003/2682, reg 97, “ employer must keep, for not less than 3 years after the end of the tax year to which they relate, all PAYE records which are not required to be sent to [HMRC]...”. Reasons for keeping the records include:•being able to calculate tax and