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HMRC increases late-payment interest rates

HMRC has increased the interest rates for late payments of tax following the Bank of England’s decision on 5 May 2022 to increase the bank base rate from 0.75% to 1%.

09 May 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

OECD consultation on the regulated financial services exclusion under Amount A of Pillar One

The OECD is seeking public comments on the Regulated Financial Services Exclusion under Amount A of Pillar One to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy.

09 May 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Weekly roundup of HMRC manual changes: 9 May 2022

9 May 2022 - This roundup sets out the most important changes to HMRC manuals over the past week as curated by our editors.

09 May 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Proposals on how to reform of the UK Capital Allowances regime

The Government has issued a publication aiming to kickstart a conversation with businesses on reforming the UK’s capital allowances regime.

09 May 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Compliance checks factsheets: penalties for inaccuracies in interest restriction returns — CC/FS55

HMRC has published new factsheet CC/FS55 about penalties for inaccurate interest restriction returns and documents.

06 May 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

CIOT comments on construction industry scheme (CIS): landlord contributions to tenant works

The Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) has published its comments on the HMRC’s Construction Industry Scheme (CIS): Landlord contributions to tenant works.

06 May 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

OECD and extractives exclusion under Pillar One Amount A

The OECD has received and published responses to the consultation on the extractives exclusion under Pillar One Amount A.

04 May 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

United Nations launches 2021 Model Tax Convention

The United Nations (UN) has held a launch event for the 2021 version of its Model Tax Convention.

04 May 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

OECD and cryptoasset reporting

The OECD has received and published responses to the consultation on the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework and Amendments to the Common Reporting Standard.

04 May 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Weekly roundup of HMRC manual changes: 2 May 2022

2 May 2022 - This roundup sets out the most important changes to HMRC manuals over the past week as curated by our editors.

02 May 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

SI 2022/464 The Securitisation Companies and Qualifying Transformer Vehicles (Exemption from Stamp Duties) Regulations 2022

These Regulations provide an exemption from stamp duty and stamp duty reserve tax (SDRT) for the transfer of certain types of loan notes issued as part of securitisation and insurance-linked securities (ILS) arrangements.

27 Apr 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

SI 2022/465 The Taxation of Securitisation Companies (Amendment) Regulations 2022

These regulations amend the Taxation of Securitisation Companies Regulations 2006, SI 2006/3296 (TSCR). The TSCR introduced new tax rules with effect from accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2007 for securitisation companies involved in the securitisation of financial assets.

27 Apr 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

SI 2022/474 The International Tax Compliance (Amendment) Regulations 2022

These Regulations amend the International Tax Compliance Regulations 2015, SI 2015/878 (the principal Regulations) to bring additional international exchange arrangements within scope. The principal Regulations apply to arrangements entered into by the UK by a given date. This date is periodically extended, this time to 20 April 2022.

27 Apr 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

FTT guidance - oral evidence from abroad

The First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has published guidance on taking oral evidence from abroad.

27 Apr 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

OECD publishes public comments on the draft rules for scope under Pillar One Amount A

The OECD has received responses to the consultation on the Draft Model Rules for Domestic Legislation on Scope under Pillar One Amount A.

25 Apr 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

HMRC Toolkit: Company Losses (2021-22)

HMRC has published the Company Losses Toolkit for 2021-22.

25 Apr 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Belize and Cameroon ratify BEPS Multilateral Instrument

Belize and Cameroon have deposited their instruments of ratification with the OECD for the BEPS Multilateral Instrument.

22 Apr 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

HMRC update on Overpayments of SEISS grants

The ATT has shared an update on how HMRC is recovering Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grants where taxpayers need to repay some or all of their grant.

21 Apr 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Agent update: issue 95

HMRC has published Agent Update issue 95 (April 2022) providing a round-up of recent developments for tax agents and advisers.

21 Apr 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

OECD consultation on Extractives Exclusion under Amount A of Pillar One

The OECD is seeking public comments on the Extractives Exclusion under Amount A of Pillar One of the Two-Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation of the Economy which introduces a new taxing right over a portion of the profit of large and highly profitable enterprises for jurisdictions in which goods or services are supplied or consumers are located.

19 Apr 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

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Exemption ― burial and cremationThis guidance note provides an overview of the VAT treatment of services that are provided in connection with the burial or cremation of human remains.VAT treatmentThe following services are exempt from VAT:•the disposal of the remains of the dead•making arrangements

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