
Non tax-advantaged share option schemes

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

Non tax-advantaged share option schemes

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax


As with any other discretionary option plan, a non tax-advantaged share option plan involves the granting of a specific number of options to an individual. These options provide that the individual can, at an agreed date or point in time, acquire a given number of shares (the underlying shares) for a fixed price. These share schemes used to be known as ‘unapproved’ share option plans.

Given that there is both no up-front cost to acquiring the options and no requirement for the individual to pay over any monies unless the underlying shares increase in value, there is little risk attached to the receipt of options. As a result, the tax treatment and tax rates applicable will often appear to be very similar to cash bonuses.

Key considerations

Grant of options

The terms of the options need to be set out in a suitable legal document known as ‘the Rules’. The Rules govern all pertinent matters between the company and employee and, given the tax complexities that can occur in such arrangements, a suitable and up

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