
Share incentive plans

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

Share incentive plans

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

What is a share incentive plan (SIP)?

The share incentive plan (SIP) is a tax-advantaged employee incentive plan, which provides employees with the opportunity to obtain a continuing stake in the employing company through the acquisition of shares (not share options). Provided qualifying conditions are met, the SIP attracts income tax and national insurance contribution (NIC) advantages for participants.

The plan must be open to all UK resident employees, although a qualifying period of up to 18 months can be imposed. The terms must be the same for every employee who wishes to participate, and no preferential treatment can be given for directors or senior employees.

The SIP must be operated via a UK resident trust. The SIP trust holds shares on behalf of employees.

A number of changes were made to the SIP rules by FA 2013 and FA 2014 to simplify the administration of the scheme and harmonise some of the rules with that of other tax-advantaged schemes. One of these changes means that from 6 April 2014 a qualifying SIP is known as a ‘Schedule 2 SIP’.


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