
Introduction to year-end tax planning for companies

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

Introduction to year-end tax planning for companies

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax


This guidance note considers various aspects of year-end tax planning for large companies or groups. It is recommended that it is read in conjunction with the Chargeable gains planning, Group companies and Year-end tax international planning guidance notes so that as many relevant factors as possible are considered. See also ‘Key issues for in-house tax teams: a checklist’, by Chris Holmes, Mark Ellis, and James Egert, in Tax Journal, Issue 1511, 14 (27 November 2020).

Other matters which could be relevant, depending upon the tax profile of the company, are:

  1. •

    whether deductions for expenditure on intangible fixed assets (IFAs) are being maximised ― see the What is an intangible fixed asset? guidance note

  2. •

    whether deductions for loan relationships are being maximised ― refer to the What is a loan relationship? and Taxation of loan relationships guidance notes

  3. •

    real estate investment trusts (REITs) ― for the advantages and disadvantages of this regime to companies in the property sector, see the Real estate investment trusts (REITs) guidance note

  4. •

    review of time

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