
Companies in partnership

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

Companies in partnership

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

This guidance note gives an overview of the basic rules relating to the preparation of tax computations and returns for corporate partners and summarises key anti-avoidance legislation relevant to corporate members of partnerships with links to further content. The reasons why it may be beneficial to introduce a corporate member are detailed in the Introducing corporate partners guidance note.

For general information on the computation of profits, losses, capital gains and the allocation of profits and losses for partnerships see the following guidance notes:

  1. •

    Trading profits of a partnership

  2. •

    Capital allowances for partnerships

  3. •

    Allocation of partnership profit or loss

  4. •

    Taxation of partnership trading profits

  5. •

    Relief for partnership losses

  6. •

    Capital gains of a partnership

For HMRC guidance on companies in partnership, see PM210000 onwards and CTM36500 onwards.

Computation of taxable profits for corporate partners

General partnerships, Scottish partnerships, limited partnerships and LLPs are transparent for UK tax purposes regardless of whether they have any corporate partners / members. Computing the amount of taxable profits from a partnership is therefore very

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