
Entertaining and gifts

Produced by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert
Owner-Managed Businesses

Entertaining and gifts

Produced by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert
Owner-Managed Businesses

When preparing tax computations, gifts and entertaining expenditure should always be analysed separately to ascertain the extent to which expenditure is allowable or disallowable. The tax computation should include clear descriptions and breakdowns of expenditure. Where expenditure has been allowed, consider whether any additional explanation should be included to minimise the risk of HMRC opening a compliance check.

In addition, clients may be grateful for some explanation of the rules; for example, during year-end planning, to help them to understand the added tax cost of disallowable business entertainment expenditure. In terms of accounting procedures, it should also be suggested (if this is not already in place) that employee entertainment expenses with no business entertainment element and third party entertaining are charged to separate expense accounts. This will be helpful in streamlining the tax compliance process and for management accounts purposes.

See Simon’s Taxes B2.432.


Expenditure on ‘business entertainment’ is specifically disallowed by statute as a deduction from trading profits, unless the expenditure is made in the ordinary course of a business’ trade of providing entertainment.

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