
IHT charge on death

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

IHT charge on death

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

This guidance note outlines how to calculate the amount of inheritance tax that arises on death. It should be read in conjunction with the example calculations indicated in the text.

The tax charge on death falls under two headings:

  1. •

    the ‘additional charge’ ― which arises on the chargeable lifetime transfers (CLT) and the potentially exempt transfers (PET) made in the seven years before death, and

  2. •

    the ‘estate charge’ ― which arises on the value of all the property the deceased owns (or is deemed to own) immediately before death

HMRC has produced an Online IHT checker to give an estimate of the IHT due. HMRC warns, however, that this does not calculate the IHT (it merely estimates) and is not a substitute for the required reporting procedures.

The rates of IHT

When a chargeable transfer is made, whether during lifetime or on death, part or all of it may fall within the nil rate band. Technically, a 0% rate of tax is applied to this portion, which is calculated using

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