

Company residence definition

ˈkʌmpəni ˈrɛzɪdəns
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What does Company residence mean?

Company Residence in a nutshell

Corporation tax is chargeable on the worldwide profits of any company that is resident in the UK. For this purpose, the UK means Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) and Northern Ireland. It does not include the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands.

In some cases, it will be fairly clear that a company is resident in the UK, such as those incorporated in the UK. This is known as the statutory test. A case law test has also evolved, which treats companies that are centrally managed and controlled in the UK as UK resident, even though they are incorporated in another territory.

How is the place of central management and controlled determined?

The phrase ‘central management and control’ came from the De Beers Consolidated Mines case. Many more cases have subsequently considered company residence and several tests have been developed since. In practice, the meaning of central management and control is a question of fact, ie where it is actually found, rather than the place where it ought to be exercised.


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