
6.1 Social security for globally mobile employees


6.1.2 Reciprocal agreements | Italy


Italy has entered into bilateral social security conventions with several foreign non-EU states can be found here. The agreement with Japan is in force from 1 April 2024


The Social Security Convention between Italy and Argentina was signed on 3 November 1981 in Buenos Aires and ratified by Law No 32 of January 18, 1983. The Administrative Agreement was signed on 15 December 1983. The Convention has been in force since 1 January 1984.

As regards Italy, the Convention applies to the General Compulsory Insurance (AGO) for invalidity, old age and survivors of employees and self-employed persons, to maternity, sickness and tuberculosis insurance, to family allowance insurance and to compulsory insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases.

Under certain conditions, it also applies to social security treatments substituting the general insurance, such as special social security funds managed by INPS and other special insurance schemes of some categories of workers ex ENPALS (those in the entertainment industry, INPGI (moving to INPS) and ex INPDAI (public sector).

On the basis of the Italo-Argentine Agreement, the benefits payable by

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Web page updated on 28 Aug 2024 12:14