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Finland - VAT submission guide

VAT submission guides

Updated by Mira Rajanti, Rantalainen Group

How are VAT returns submitted to the tax authorities?VAT returns in Finland are submitted electronically in the following ways.
Online filing over the internet
VAT returns can be submitted online via the Tax Administration's e-service for taxpayers, 'OmaVero' (in English, 'MyTax'):
Users will first need to register for a Suomi.fi authorisation, which is used for all online filing and reporting in Finland:
Electronic filing using functional compatible software
Most modern accounting software in use in Finland has automatic digital filing features for the most common taxes.
Can a business submit paper VAT returns?Paper VAT returns can be submitted in Finland if it is not possible to file the return electronically using the methods above and the Tax Administration has granted permission for the business to file paper returns.
The Tax Administration considers these cases to be exceptions, however, and therefore paper returns should not be used extensively.
Can an agent submit a VAT return on behalf of the business?Yes, an agent

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Web page updated on 24 Aug 2024 12:26