
Legal News

Singapore—‘Kitchen Sink’ challenges counterproductive (Haide Building Materials Co Ltd v Ship Recycling Investments Inc)

Published on: 14 October 2024

Table of contents

  • What are the practical implications of this case?
  • What was the background?
  • What did the court decide?
  • Case details

Article summary

Arbitration analysis: the High Court of Singapore in Haide Building Materials Co v Ship Recycling Investments Inc (Haide) refused to set aside an arbitral award and reiterated that multiple grounds of challenge do not add to the merit of the attack and are ‘seldom productive’. The applicant unsuccessfully argued that the tribunal had breached the rules of natural justice in three ways, the award was induced by fraud and the procedure adopted by the tribunal was contrary to that agreed by the parties. The court found there to be no merit in any of the grounds, upheld the award and imposed costs on the applicant, noting the recent approach of the English Court of Appeal of refusing to entertain meritless multipronged applications. Written by Dr Cameron Ford OAM SC, barrister at William Forster Chambers.

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