
Do I have to notify clients of a data breach under the SRA Codes of Conduct even where there is no requirement to notify the client of the breach under the UK GDPR?

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Published on: 17 November 2022

We are not aware of any specific guidance on this point. However, SRA requirements would apply alongside the UK GDPR and may be applicable even where there is no obligation to take action under UK GDPR. The SRA enforcement strategy points out that information security is of high importance to the public. In the context of parallel actions with other regulators, the SRA gives the example of a data breach, saying that while enforcement of data protection legislation is a matter for the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), if a data protection breach also involves the disclosure of confidential client information, the SRA would investigate that as a regulatory offence.

For more information on the position under UK GDPR, see the Practice Compliance subtopic: Data breaches—compliance—overview, and in particular Practice Note: How to manage a personal data breach.

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