
Tax News

SI 2022/239 The Disregard and Bringing into Account of Profit and Losses on Derivative Contracts Hedging Acquisitions and Disposals of Shares Regulations 2022

Published on: 10 March 2022
Published by a

Specialist Tax Statutory Instruments

Article summary

These Regulations bring certain derivative contracts entered into on or after 1 April 2022 within the scope of the Loan Relationships and Derivative Contracts (Disregard and Bringing into Account of Profits and Losses) Regulations, SI 2004/3256 and amend the Exchange Gains and Losses (Bringing into Account Gains or Losses) Regulations, SI 2002/1970 to allow certain debits and credits from currency derivative contracts to be left out of account and, in certain circumstances, to be brought back into account for corporation tax purposes.

Jurisdiction(s): England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

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