
Tax News

SI 2021/120 The Capital Allowances Act 2001 (Car Emissions) (Extension of First-year Allowances) (Amendment) Order 2021

Published on: 08 February 2021
Published by a

Specialist Tax Statutory Instruments

Article summary

These Regulations amend sections 45D, 45DA, 45E and 104AA of the Capital Allowances Act 2001. They extend the availability of 100% first-year allowances (FYAs) for expenditure on low-emission cars, zero-emission goods vehicles and gas refuelling equipment for a further four years. The CO2 emissions thresholds for cars qualifying for FYAs and main rate writing down allowances (WDAs), and that for calculating lease rental restrictions are, however, being reduced.

Jurisdiction(s): England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

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