
Share scheme reporting ― practical points and troubleshooting

Produced by Tolley in association with
Employment Tax

Share scheme reporting ― practical points and troubleshooting

Produced by Tolley in association with
Employment Tax

Set out below are some general practical points and troubleshooting ideas that may be useful in relation to completing any of the annual report templates required for tax-advantaged or non-tax advantaged shares schemes or arrangements:

  1. •

    be organised and keep good records relating to the operation of the company’s share scheme(s) or arrangements, whether tax-advantaged or non-tax advantaged

  2. •

    set electronic calendar reminders in the period between the end of the tax year (5 April) and the 6 July ERS annual return deadline

  3. •

    do not leave filing the annual return(s) until the last opportunity ― the HMRC website has been known to crash multiple times as the deadline approaches

  4. •

    have all the information to hand before starting the process ― this will make

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Helen Wood
Helen Wood

Founder, HLN WD TX , Employment Tax

Helen Wood is the founder of HLN WD TX, a share schemes and employee incentives advisory business.She qualified as a CA with ICAS in 2009 and has worked as a specialist reward and incentives advisor for 17 years, spending 13 of those at KPMG followed by 3 ½ years as an Associate Director at RSM. Helen has worked with businesses ranging from start-ups to fully listed companies, spanning owner-managed businesses, private equity portfolio companies, and AIM listed businesses.She advises on a wide range of employee share schemes and employment related securities matters including the design and implementation of effective management and employee incentives; tax valuation of employment related securities, buy and sell side transaction support, HMRC compliance, tax due diligence and employee ownership trust transactions.

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