
Remittance basis ― formal claim

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

Remittance basis ― formal claim

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

STOP PRESS: At Spring Budget 2024, the Chancellor announced that the remittance basis would be abolished from 6 April 2025, although this only applies to foreign income and gains arising on or after that date. The remittance basis rules still apply to unremitted income and gains arising before that date but remitted later. For more details, see the Abolition of the remittance basis from 2025/26 guidance note.

This guidance note considers how to make a formal claim for the remittance basis and the consequences of making that claim.

An outline of the remittance basis can be found at the Remittance basis ― overview guidance note. For the machinery of the charge, including nomination and payment, see the Remittance basis ― nomination, charge and payment guidance note.

A discussion of what is meant by a remittance can be found in the When are income and gains remitted? guidance note.

Automatic remittance basis

Before considering whether the taxpayer needs to claim to use the remittance basis, it is necessary to check whether they are entitled to

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