
Assignment and grant of leases for capital gains tax

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

Assignment and grant of leases for capital gains tax

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

A lease is the right to use an asset. Where the asset in question is land or buildings, the lease is the right to occupy the land or buildings for a specified period of time, usually in return for a specified rent.

Contrast this to a freehold, which is the outright ownership of the property and the land upon which it is built. Freehold and leasehold are separate assets and, as such, a lease can be bought and sold in its own right as well as granted (ie created from a freehold or another leasehold).

This guidance note considers the capital gains tax position on:

  1. •

    assignment of a long lease (over 50 years to run)

  2. •

    assignment of a short lease (50 years or fewer to run)

  3. •

    grant of a long lease

  4. •

    grant of a short lease

Assignment is the legal term for disposal of a lease.

Disposals of leases may need to be reported and any estimated capital gains tax paid with 60 days of

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  • 18 Jan 2023 09:51

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