
Input tax ― buying and leasing cars and other vehicles

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

Input tax ― buying and leasing cars and other vehicles

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

This guidance note looks at the rules for recovering VAT when purchasing and leasing cars or other vehicles. In particular, it looks at the input tax ‘block’ that applies to many cars. It also covers the VAT consequences that arise when a vehicle is put to some private use or where it is purchased and then subsequently sold by a business.

The recovery of VAT on motoring expenses (eg fuel costs and the charging of electric vehicles) is covered separately in the Input tax ― motoring expenses guidance note.

For an overview of input tax more broadly, see the Input tax ― overview guidance note.

For in-depth commentary on the legislation and case law in this area, see De Voil Indirect Tax Service V3.443.

Basics of input tax recovery on cars and other vehicles

There is a specific input tax block which applies to the supply of a car to someone who is VAT registered (or required to be VAT registered). The effect of this is that VAT is

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