
Gifts of cash to charity

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

Gifts of cash to charity

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

Individuals receive income tax relief on donations they make to charities. There are three ways in which an individual can obtain income tax relief on cash donations to charity: by gift aid (also known as gift aid relief), by direct deduction from salary under payroll giving and by the retail gift aid scheme.

For details of income tax relief available for non-cash donations, see the Gifts of quoted shares and land to charity guidance note.

Note that donations to charity are not included in the cap on unlimited income tax reliefs. See the Cap on unlimited income tax reliefs guidance note for more information.

Meaning of ‘charity’

Donations from 6 April 2010

The definition of charity was significantly altered by FA 2010, extending UK income tax reliefs to charities based overseas in ‘relevant territories’ (ie countries in the European Economic Area). The EEA is comprised of the EU Member States plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. Although see ‘Repeal of application of gift aid to non-UK charities’ below.

The post-5 April 2010 definition of a charity is a body

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