
Employment status ― why it matters

Produced by Tolley and written by
Employment Tax

Employment status ― why it matters

Produced by Tolley and written by
Employment Tax

Anne is a barrister who sits as a judge of the Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber) and the First-tier Tax Tribunal. The commentary in this guidance note is her personal view as she is not authorised to write on behalf of the Tribunals Service or the judiciary.

This note sets out the main differences between employment and self-employment. It discusses the timing of payment, national insurance contributions (NIC), expenses, statutory payments, leave entitlements and (briefly) employment rights. It does not cover those who work through agencies (for which, see the Agency workers guidance note). In addition, some of the tax rates and bands set out below may not apply to Scotland. Further changes are likely in the near future, as the government moves forward with the proposals in its Plan To Make Work Pay.

Employment status matters for individuals because it determines the tax and NIC on their earnings, as well as their statutory rights. From the engager’s perspective, miscategorisation may trigger PAYE and NIC assessments, as well as claims for

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Anne Redston
Anne Redston


Anne Redston is a barrister and consultant editor of Tolley's Yellow Tax Handbook. She is also a judge of the Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber), the First-tier Tax Tribunal and the Social Entitlement Tribunal. She is a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Adviser, and a Fellow of both Institutes.

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  • 03 Sep 2024 10:52

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