
Domestic reverse charge ― accounting requirements

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

Domestic reverse charge ― accounting requirements

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

This guidance note provides details of the accounting and invoicing requirements that need to be met by businesses who are required to account for VAT using the reverse charge. For details of the specific requirements for the supplies covered by the reverse charge, please see the following guidance notes:

  1. •

    Domestic reverse charge ― overview

  2. •

    Domestic reverse charge ― mobile phones and computer chips

  3. •

    Domestic reverse charge ― trading in carbon emissions

  4. •

    Domestic reverse charge ― wholesale trading in electricity and gas

  5. •

    Domestic reverse charge ― wholesale electronic communication services

  6. •

    Domestic reverse charge ― supplies of building and construction services ― overview

  7. •

    Domestic reverse charge ― trading in renewable energy certificates

Invoice requirements

Businesses involved in a reverse charge supply of specified goods must take the following course of action.

The supplier must not charge VAT on the transaction if it falls within the scope of these provisions as responsibility to account for any VAT due is transferred to the customer.

The supplier should issue

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  • 26 Jan 2024 15:41

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