
Treatment of commuting expenses

Produced by a Tolley Employment Tax expert
Employment Tax

Treatment of commuting expenses

Produced by a Tolley Employment Tax expert
Employment Tax


In order for travel expenses to be payable free of tax and NIC, they must meet definitions outlined in legislation. Ordinary commuting is, broadly, an employee’s travel between their home, or other place that is not a workplace, and their permanent place of work (see the Travel expenses for a definition of a permanent workplace). The phrase ‘ordinary commuting’ is used in the legislation; we’ll refer to it simply as commuting in this note. If an employee is reimbursed for expenses relating to commuting then these are taxable and NICable as a benefit. The employer should put the full amount of the expense through payroll subject to both tax and NIC.

Identifying commuting can be one of the most complex areas in employment tax. While it may be obvious what will be defined as commuting for a majority of employees travelling to work, such as when an employee travels to a single office every day, there are complex rules which govern what is commuting.

In addition, many employers will not have processes in place to identify

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