
Advising social media influencers and content creators

Produced by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert
Owner-Managed Businesses

Advising social media influencers and content creators

Produced by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert
Owner-Managed Businesses

This guidance note summarises the main areas of tax which impact on social media influencers and content creators. Influencers are people who build their personal brand online in a specific niche area or industry. They do this by sharing their lifestyles on various social media platforms and often they promote new products which align with their personal brand. Content creators make content for social media platforms, blogs or other digital entities eg online publications, on subjects in which they have developed expertise. They create content to share that expertise as compared to influencers who make content to develop a personal brand. Content creators can however also become influencers.

Is there a trade?

The first question to be asked is whether the activities of the influencer or creator amount to a trade. This would be determined using the ‘badges of trade’, see the ‘What are the badges of trade?’ section of the Meaning of trading guidance note.

The date when the trade commenced will also be important to establish as many influencers and creators move

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