E1.416 Dividends From Non-UK Resident Companies鈥擥eneral | Personal Employment Tax | Simon's Taxes | Tolley

E1.416 Dividends from non-UK resident companies鈥攇eneral

Personal and employment tax

E1.416 Dividends from non-UK resident companies鈥攇eneral

In general, dividends of a non-UK resident company are charged to income tax as savings and investment income on the amount arising in the tax year. The charge is on the person receiving or entitled to the dividends1. For HMRC's internal guidance, see SAIM5210. Guidance on dividend tax credits is at SAIM5102鈥揝AIM5106. Other guidance on foreign dividends can be found at INTM164000鈥揑NTM164540.

This rule is modified in the case of shares acquired under a share incentive plan (see E1.417) and is subject to the general rules relating to assessment of foreign income2 regarding (see Division E1.6):

  1. 鈥⑻� assessment on the remittance basis

  2. 鈥⑻� deductions for expenses of collection or annual payments

  3. 鈥⑻� relief for unremittable income

In Beard3, the Upper Tribunal, when considering the correct UK tax treatment of distributions paid by a Jersey limited company derived from its share premium account, upheld the decision of the FTT and found that the distributions received by the taxpayer were

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Web page updated on 24 Aug 2024 13:19