
Home / Tolley's EU and Global VAT / VAT submission guides / United States - VAT submission guide

United States - VAT submission guide

VAT submission guides

Updated by Leo Parmegiani and Ralf Ruedenburg, PKF O'Connor Davies

Note: The information below is provided using the state of California as an example.

How are sales and use tax returns submitted to the tax authorities?There are two methods of submitting sales and use tax returns in California.
Online filing
Businesses can file sales and use tax returns online via the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration's website:
Paper returns
Businesses can prepare sales and use tax returns on paper and post them to the following address:
California Department of Tax and Fee Administration
PO Box 942879
Sacramento CA 94279-8062
Sales and use tax returns (for the state of California) can be downloaded from the California Tax Service Center's website:
Can a business submit paper sales and use tax returns?Yes, a business can submit paper returns in California. See above for details.
Can an agent submit a sales and use tax return on behalf of the business?Yes, an agent can submit a sales and use tax return on behalf

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Web page updated on 24 Aug 2024 12:13