
Home / Tolley's EU and Global VAT / 24 Italy / Key data (Italy)

Key data (Italy)

24 Italy

Updated by Barbara Pollicina and Fabrizio Moscatelli, PKF-Studio TCL

Key data (Italy)

Information up to date as at 1 March 2024.

A. VAT registration thresholds
VAT registration€0
Distance selling of goods and BTE services, for EU established businesses only€10,000
Relevant acquisitions€10,000
B. VAT rates
Standard rate22%
Reduced rates10%, 5%, 4%
Zero rate0%
C. VAT return filing periods
Annual electronic return (all businesses)Annual
Quarterly VAT declarations (all businesses)Quarterly
D. VAT return filing deadline
Annual electronic return (all businesses)30 April
Quarterly VAT declarations (all businesses)Last day of the second month following each quarter.
For the second quarter, the deadline is 16 September.
E. VAT payment periods
All businessesMonthly or quarterly (optional)
Annual advance payment (all businesses)Annual
F. VAT payment deadlines

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Web page updated on 24 Aug 2024 15:03