
Despite numerous challenges facing the legal industry, the majority of solicitors working in independent law firms are satisfied with their jobs and confident about their futures. However, embedded within their jobs is the issue of stress. While many simply consider stress to be part of their job description, over three-quarters of the solicitors we spoke with think that stress and mental wellbeing are significant issues for the industry.

Indeed, with almost two-thirds of this year’s respondents currently experiencing high levels of stress, we need to wonder how much is too much? With workplaces around the country turning their attention to the issue of employee wellbeing, putting programmes into place to help support employee welfare and combat stress, is it time for the legal profession to follow suit?

Our findings from the Bellwether Report 2019: Stress in the Legal Profession told us:

What are solicitors’ thoughts on stress and the impact on the legal profession?

“There’s competition and constant pressure. It’s all about ticking the right boxes and saying the right things. I can’t see things changing.”

In this report, we explore how stress fits into the job of a solicitor and whether stress levels, which seem high overall, are a major problem for firms, or just part of the same ‘business as usual’ attitude. After all, isn’t stress a hindrance, not a benefit to effective, efficient working practices? Is a change in mindset necessary for solicitors to flourish, or is stress just inevitable?

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Take a look at the previous Bellwether reports:

The Bellwether Report 2019: The Luxury of Uncertainty

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The Culture

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The Race
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The Art of

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The Riddle of

The Age of
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New World

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