

Increased competition, the emergence of Alternative Business Structures (ABS law firms), and rapidly changing client attitudes and behaviours, the legal industry is almost unrecognisable today compared with ten years ago. Despite these seismic changes, only one in five of the respondents we surveyed for our Bellwether report felt that more significant change would be needed within their firm to keep pace with the world around them.

The evolution of law is beginning to outpace those firms making only conservative changes and rewarding those moving with the times.

The Bellwether Report 2018 explores how law firms can swap confidence for progress and drive meaningful growth in a client-driven marketplace.

Topics Include:

  • Confusing complacency for confidence

    With many of the same challenges plaguing the legal industry today as five years ago, is the confidence exhibited by solicitors warranted? Or are they mistaking business as usual for the promise of future success? Why is compliance for law firms still a top challenge and how can you become more efficient in your role as a COLP and/or COFA?

  • Client-driven marketplace

    Client driven pressure on solicitors to behave more like service providers could have an impact on both fee structures and on quality of service. But to what extent?

  • The skills for success

    Cracks are starting to appear in the industry due to external pressures and an internal lack of the skills required for success.

  • A solicitor’s stature

    The traditional role of a solicitor is being threatened by clients who measure success by their own metrics. Now in its sixth year, the Bellwether Report continues to break new ground in exploring the dynamics and rapid changes that are taking place in the legal industry and within law firm structures.

The Race
to Evolve

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The Art of

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The Riddle of

The Age of
the Client

New World

Survive or

I don’t think law is a modern service industry. The law is old and entrenched – it is not very good at keeping up in any way, shape or form.

Solicitors bang on about how good they are, but it means nothing. Clients don’t care about problems you have sorted out for other people, they just want you to sort theirs.

Excel at the business of law.

Stand out and thrive as an independent lawyer or small law firm partner – even in a rapidly evolving legal landscape.

You’re juggling many areas of responsibility. How can you keep on top of the latest developments, run your business and still do great work for your clients?

Visit our Independent law section with our latest news, insights, how-to-guides and of course our Bellwether Reports to help independent law firms excel at the business of law.

You will find insights on: Business Development for Law firms, Marketing for law firms, compliance plan and law firm innovation.