
Input tax — common employee related expenditure

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

Input tax — common employee related expenditure

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

This guidance note looks at whether VAT incurred on a number of common kinds of employee related expenditure can be considered to be ‘input tax’ for VAT purposes. The following kinds of expenditure are considered:

  1. •

    subsistence (meals, hotels and accommodation)

  2. •

    computers and mobile phones for staff

  3. •

    home office costs

  4. •

    removal and relocation costs

  5. •

    uniforms and clothing

  6. •

    other staff benefits and perks

Input tax on buying and leasing vehicles and on other motoring expenses are covered separately in the Input tax - buying and leasing cars and other vehicles and Input tax - motoring expenses guidance notes. Business and staff entertainment expenditure is covered in the Input tax - staff and business entertainment guidance note.

Remember that even if VAT incurred on costs is ‘input tax’ it will not necessarily follow that it can always be recovered. In particular, a business will need to consider the issues set out in the Input tax - conditions for recovering VAT and Partial exemption - overview guidance notes.

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  • 14 Sep 2022 09:49

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