
Home / Tolley's Global Mobility: Employment Taxes (Europe) / United Kingdom / 8.2 Failure to pay over withheld amounts

8.2 Failure to pay over withheld amounts


8.2 Failure to pay over withheld amounts | United Kingdom

United Kingdom

HMRC has the power to issue notices where RTI returns are not delivered and/or tax is not paid on time or is underpaid. If the notice extends to two or more consecutive tax periods in a tax year, they have effect as if they were the latest period specified in the notice (SI 2003/2682, reg 75A).

If, during the notice period, the employer dispute the underpayments then the employer may ask HMRC to inspect the employer's PAYE records.

HMRC may prepare a certificate showing how much of the underpaid amount remains unpaid. Such certificates can be used as evidence that sums are due and not paid (SI 2003/2682,

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Web page updated on 28 Aug 2024 11:56