Published: 15 May, 2000
For those without Internet access, Tolley’s Pensions Law CD is the most comprehensive and authoritative pensions service available on CD-ROM (which can be loaded onto a network for departmental use). It offers a comprehensive method of ensuring that you are fully compliant with all pensions law and practice.
It offers simple, logical access to this complex and ever-changing subject and includes:
* Access to all the primary and secondary legislation with full annotation, commencement dates, implementation regulations and amendments
* Tolley’s Pensions Administration Service - practical guidance on running a pension scheme and maintaining best practice. It looks at every aspect of administering a pension scheme, from the broadest policy decision to the most detailed tax form
* Examples of relevant Inland Revenue forms
* Official Inland Revenue Materials including the IR12, IR76, IR SPSS updates and SSAS guidance notes
* Pensions Cases Digest - summaries of and commentary on leading cases