An exhaustive collection of precedents for applications and orders in respect of the most common - and many not so common - family proceedings is provided.
Published: 01 January, 2000
An exhaustive collection of precedents for applications and orders in respect of the most common - and many not so common - family proceedings is provided, together with a range of additional documents such as client care letters, declarations of trust and cohabitation agreements.
Each precedent is generously annotated and well presented with drafting advice and procedural guides so that its form of words can be understood in the context of the law that governs it.
"an essential tool for all family practitioners" Childright
"its first main and obvious benefit is that it deals exclusively with family law. This makes it refreshingly simple to navigate ... the comprehensive section on enforcement is a gem" Family Law journal
three updates per year, you will continue to receive updates until you countermand this.
General Editor: The Honourable Mr Justice Keehan, Family Division Liaison Judge of the London Circuit
Consultant Editor: Michael Horton, Barrister, Coram Chambers; current member of the Family Procedure Rule Committee
Contributors: Ellie Foster, Principal Associate Solicitor, Mills & Reeve LLP, Leeds, Manchester, Cambridge, Norwich, Birmingham and London; Alex Laing, Barrister, Coram Chambers; His Honour Judge Marc Marin, Central Family Court and the Court of Protection; Victoria McCloud, Master of the Senior Courts, Queen’s Bench Division, Deputy Taxing Master/Deputy Costs Judge; Her Honour Nasreen Pearce; Nicola Rowlings, Professional Support Lawyer, Mills & Reeve LLP, Leeds, Manchester, Cambridge, Norwich, Birmingham and London