
Three years after the UK referendum on EU membership, the current government has refused to rule out the possibility of a no-deal Brexit, with the PM reiterating that the UK will leave the EU on 31st October 2019 ‘no ifs no buts… come what may’.

Our latest Brexit report ‘Continental Shift: No-deal Brexit & the law’ considers the impact of a no-deal Brexit on the legal profession. The report works alongside industry leaders to address the key issues and priorities for lawyers, as well as outlining the factors you need for contingency planning.

In a series of interviews, this report cuts through the politics and focusses on the information required for practitioners to navigate a post-Brexit world.

Topics include:

  • No-deal Brexit: views in and around the UK
    A no-deal Brexit would have implications not only for the UK as whole, but also for the devolved administrations and neighbouring countries.

  • No-deal Brexit: international priorities
    In a no-deal scenario, the UK would be trading under WTO rules and the effects of this will be felt by both the UK and the EU.

  • No-deal Brexit: in practice
    Practitioners will have to adjust to a new legal reality, in particular when it comes to the recognition and enforcement of UK judgments in overseas jurisdictions.

  • No-deal Brexit: in detail
    No deal will bring with it various degrees of change to a range of different practice areas.

Download the report:

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