
Navigate complex challenges within your legal team and business

At the heart of the in-house leader position, there is a paradox: you are both an advisor with an organisational strategic perspective and an active participant in the senior leadership team, helping your organisation achieve its strategic aims.

ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû and the Center for Creative Leadership have conducted research to explore this paradox further, making practical recommendations on the growing complexity, paradoxes and strategic demands faced by in-house legal leaders.

This paper outlines what it means to develop a ‘paradox mindset,’ and provides a practical framework to help in-house leaders address complex challenges they face within their organisation and legal teams, allowing them to shift focus onto strategic common goals.

What does this paper cover?

Introduction to organisational paradox

Examples of paradoxes and how to recognise where they appear in your business

What is a paradox mindset?

What it means to have a paradox mindset, particularly as an in-house leader

Examples of in-house legal leadership paradoxes

The types of paradoxes that in-house legal leaders typically face

A framework for addressing complex challenges

Practical steps to help in-house leaders work through every stage of managing these paradoxes

Practical support for in-house leadership

is packed with practical content to support your development and thinking around effective in-house leadership. The LexisPSL Guide to Leadership for In-House Counsel is a great starting point, whether you are new to leadership or seeking fresh perspectives as an experienced General Counsel.

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Download parts two and three of the report below
Lawyer or leader? In-house paradox in action
Part two:
Lawyer or leader?
In-house paradox in action
Download now
Becoming a strategic in-house legal leader
Part three:
Becoming a strategic
in-house legal leader
Download now