
The ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû GLP Index

2020 was a turbulent year for legal services. The ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû GLP Index uses an evidence-based framework for evaluating legal growth and demand, to help the legal industry measure its performance against the wider market impact of COVID-19. More importantly, it will help legal firms to identify and evaluate opportunities for growth.

Previous editions of the GLP Index have demonstrated the resilience of the legal industry amidst unprecedented market conditions. It has highlighted the Practice Areas that continued to grow even while the wider market contracted and flagged those that were showing early signs of recovery.

Now that we have reached the grim milestone of a year since the start of COVID-19, we can accurately review its impact on the legal industry.

Of all areas of the law, litigation has been uniquely impacted by COVID-19, with lockdowns and social distancing limiting the number of trials that could place during the past year. For this edition of the GLP Index, we have developed a litigation-specific model with the support of the Bar Council. It sheds more light on the impact of COVID-19 on these areas of the law, and suggests how litigators can adapt and prepare for the future.

We hope you find the latest edition of the GLP Index helpful, whether to identify the opportunities for growth in the coming year, or to mitigate the impact on the more challenged areas of your business.

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