
Legal intelligence from ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû gives you access to the most up to date law, analysis on what it means and practical guidance so you can take action easily. Add more value with Lexis+®.

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Staying on top of the legal and practical implications of Brexit alongside day-to-day developments and priorities is key to maintaining credibility and authority in your practice area.

Access the most up to date legal intelligence available. Easily know what has changed, what the law now says and what to do about it.

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Cut through the noise and focus on what matters

While keeping up-to-date on the latest news in your practice area, you can also stay informed on the latest Brexit-related developments with our range of Brexit current awareness, including email alerts, analysis and highlights, plus a dedicated Brexit RSS feed.

Our Brexit current awareness delivers tailored Brexit news, analysis and legislation updates across all practice areas.

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Stay on top of market trends

Available through your Lexis+ subscription, our LexTalk forum provides access to a dedicated online community for Brexit related discussion and queries.

LexTalk ®Brexit is a secure place for legal professionals to discuss the latest developments, offer and receive peer support, share insights and gain a sense of up to date market practice and advances in real-time.

Legislation comparison

Retained EU Legislation

Retained EU law will come into effect at the point that EU law ceases to apply in the UK. We have released five new legislation sources in LexisLibrary to help you prepare and keep up to date with relevant laws and legal changes affecting the UK.

Historical timeline

Historical Versioning for Retained EU legislation

Our Historical Versioning timeline and Amendments Highlighter show legislative change in a clear, easy-to-scan format.

Document links

Linking for Retained EU

Click a reference to EU legislation and see the relevant Retained EU law with ‘Brexit linking’. Easily and quickly move between Retained EU and EU legislation to see how differences between the two jurisdictions may affect research.

Powerful search

Brexit search improvements

Find exactly what you need with our dedicated Retained EU and EU search options.

Answer cards

Brexit Bulletin

Get key updates, research tips, and resources on Brexit. Updated regularly, it answers key questions on Brexit and includes helpful updates, research tips and resources.

Three humans

Brexit webinar programme

We won’t simply tell you about the implications of Brexit, our experts will show you. We have over 220 Webinars for you and we’ll add to them as we go.

Modern user interface

Brexit blog

We’ll share our knowledge of key Brexit developments and the implications for UK law on our blog.

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