
Legal News

Tax weekly highlights—10 October 2024

Published on: 10 October 2024

Table of contents

  • Companies and corporation tax
  • DCMS announces Independent Film Tax Credit, with accompanying Regulations made
  • HMRC revises Directions for the electronic submission of R&D notifications
  • Employment taxes
  • Supreme Court confirms importance of control and mutuality of obligation when assessing employment status for tax Purposes (HMRC v Professional Game Match Official Ltd)
  • HMRC publishes briefing: Evidence to claim PAYE employment expenses
  • Lifetime allowance Regulations laid
  • Individuals and income tax
  • UT upholds FTT decision on when interim dividend was ‘paid’ (HMRC v Peter Gould)
  • Updated guidance on Making Tax Digital
  • More sections of this document available when you sign-in to Lexis+ or register for a free trial.

Article summary

This week's edition of Tax weekly highlights includes: (1) the DCMS announcement regarding the Independent Film Tax Credit for low-budget films, (2) further analysis of the Supreme Court’s decision in Professional Game Match Officials Limited, and (3) analysis of the Upper Tribunal’s decisions in HMRC v Gould and Mudan and anor v HMRC.

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